Our experienced property solicitors guide values-driven businesses, whether landlords or tenants, through every stage of entering into or exiting leases.
Whether your commercial business is a landlord or a tenant, we can work with you to guide you through the process of entering into and exiting leases and can advise and support you to ensure that leases you enter into are consistent with any funding covenants, service-level agreements and comply with applicable sector-specific regulations.
At Anthony Collins Solicitors our experienced property-law team uses their extensive experience and sector knowledge to assist values-driven businesses with drafting, negotiating, renewing and terminating lease contracts and can also advise on the buying and selling of property and charging land.
When entering into or exiting leases disputes can arise, our property team can work in partnership with your organisation to assess whether there is a case for dispute and can advise and support you through the dispute-resolution process. We can support your organisation through every stage of dispute resolution from mediation to representation in court proceedings.
We act for charities from small, community organisations and churches to large national and international charities, for social businesses and large co-operatives and are adept at adjusting the service we provide to fit the needs and aspirations of different organisations.
Members of our team are committed to working with various sectors and regularly write and speak on developments in law and governance.
Our leases service
At Anthony Collins Solicitors our dedicated team of property solicitors provides advice and support to values-driven businesses that are landlords or tenants on all aspects of entering into or exiting leases, including:
- Advice and support on drafting, negotiating, renewing and terminating lease contracts.
- Advice on buying, selling and developing property.
- Ensuring leases are consistent with funding and service-level agreements.
- Providing advice on disputes in relation to leases or the buying and selling of property.
- Dispute resolution through mediation or representation in court proceedings.
- Ensuring regulatory compliance.
We have been recognised for the work we do
ADA: National College for Digital Skills
We supported ADA, a social enterprise, with education issues, and law advice on procurement, construction, property and funding.